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Welcome To M2 Movement

Helping you move better each and every day

I’m so excited to share my services with you to see how I can improve the way you move and, in turn, your quality of life! I have a lot of ‘in-person’ services I provide on a daily basis and now have a series of guided online courses you can purchase and perform from the comfort of your own home! Click the button to have a look or scroll down to the teaser video and have a watch! I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Yours in health,


“I had a great experience with Maria and M2 Movement team from start to finish.”

Samantha HarveyMother & Core Enthusiast

We offer a wide array of services aimed at enhancing your well being.

Dry Needling


Dry needling is a therapeutic treatment using a fine filament needle to restore normal length and function of muscle and eliminate pain. Dry needling is mainly used to treat myofascial trigger points, but it is also used to target connective tissue, and neural ailments.

Core Retraining


Many of us are unaware of how to properly engage our deep core. This can lead to back or pelvic pain, chronic neck and upper back tightness, dysfunctional breathing and even incontinence. Learning how to breathe well and engage your deep core is a game changer!

Manual Therapy


Manual physical therapy is a clinical approach utilizing specific hands-on techniques to restore mobility to stiff joints and reduce muscle tension in order to return the patient to more natural movement without pain.

Clinical Pilates


Clinical Pilates is a personalized rehabilitation program prescribed by a physiotherapist utilizing Pilates as an exercise modality. To learn more about Clinical Pilates, please scroll down.
Dry Needling
Intrinsic Core Retraining
Manual Therapy
Clinical Pilates

Need help? We are here for you!

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As mentioned, my long awaited Intrinsic Core Strengthening series is almost complete!

  • Identifying causes and diagnosing core dysfunction
  • Tools and exercises for self treatment
  • Core stability and how it helps
  • Long-term care to live free of pelvic floor dysfunction

Please subscribe to my members list to get the latest updates and info about the much anticipated Core Strengthening launch….

Join the Clinical Pilates Movement

Clinical Pilates is a personalized rehabilitation program prescribed by a physiotherapist utilizing Pilates as an exercise modality.

Whether you are recovering from an injury or focusing on prevention Clinical Pilates teaches you to properly activate and train the endurance of your core musculature, emphasizing better breathing and proper posture, alignment and coordination.

These core muscles of the lumbo-pelvic region include the diaphragm, multifidi, tranversus abdominus and pelvic floor muscles. Clinical Pilates emphasizes the importance of a correctly aligned body and the re-education of muscles to prevent injury. Following a physiotherapy assessment.Clinical Pilates can be used as form of therapeutic exercise that is guided by your physiotherapist as part of your treatment plan. This service can be covered by extended health plans as part of your physiotherapy treatment.

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Join the M2 Movement Today!

Contact Maria, I'd love to hear from you!

Contact Address:

Kootenai Pilates Studio

540 Baker St. Nelson BC.
V1L 4H9, Canada

Contact Info:

+1 250-509-0805

Working Hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

    Through Maria’s articulate guidance on breath control I’ve been able to have greater awareness of my pelvic floor and how to engage it. It has also helped to release my diaphragm allowing me deeper and more controlled yet relaxed breathing. Thank you Maria for your care and skill!

    EvanVisceral Therapist

    Before working with Maria, I was unaware of my breathing pattern. This was the key piece needed to engage my core and pelvic floor. With practice this has become natural and easy.

    DebbieOutdoor Enthusiasts & Photographer

    After completing one week of breathing exercises with Maria, I felt so many positive changes in my body! As awareness of my breath grew I felt the connection to my core and how it changed the function of my body. This inspired me to continue with a breathing practice that decreased pain in my body. The nagging pain in my back that flared up when I was stressed disappeared. I highly recommend taking a deep dive into breath work with Maria. Not only is it an amazing tool but something that you always have access to.


    I really appreciate your videos, and rewatch them over and over. They have taught me how to breathe with my diaphragm. Your explanation on proper posture and the position of my diaphragm was excellent. I look forward to continuing this process.

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